that really
pays off

building blocks
for the future

each talmid's
true colors

simchas hachaim,
and middos!

Where every talmid
can reach great heights

Applications for 2024/2025 are now being accepted

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Welcome to yeshiva derech Hatorah of Monsey

YDHM is about educating the whole child. This means offering chinuch that not only features the highest academic standards in both limudei kodesh and chol, but also:

fosters a love of Torah and mitzvos - bain odom l'Makom 

promotes social skills development - bain odom l'chaveiro

develops self-esteem, resilience, and confidencebain odom l'atzmo

At YDHM, our preschool focuses on three domains of  chinuch necessary for young talmidim to thrive:

Classroom Organization
Implementing behavior management systems, assuring talmidim are productive, and offering varied instructional learning formats.

Instructional Support
Developing concepts, offering talmidim quality feedback, and modeling language for them.

Emotional Support
Working to create a positive climate, avoiding all negativity, and having regard for talmidim's perspectives.

The gemara teaches that as soon as a child learns to speak we begin to teach him what it means to be a yid.

Yeshiva Derech Hatorah of Monsey is proud to partner with parents in this lifelong pursuit.